
Chen, J., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R., Martin, A. R.: Characterizing Regional Drug Delivery within the Nasal Airways. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 21, 537-551, 2024.

Schweizer, R. T., Ordoubadi, M., Prather, C. A., Vehring, R., Shepard, K. B.: The Processing Space of the Spray-Dried Mannitol-Leucine System for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutics, 16, 398, 2024.

Wang, H., Leal, J., Ordoubadi, M., Minootan, Z., Lachacz, K., Carrigy, N., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R.: Understanding the Performance of Pressurized Metered Dose Inhalers Formulated with Low Global Warming Potential Propellants. Aerosol Science and Technology, 58 (2), 115-133, 2024.

Minootan, Z., Wang, H., Connaughton, P., Lachacz, K., Carrigy, N., Ordoubadi, M., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Martin, A. R., Vehring, R.: On the Feasibility of Rugose Lipid Microparticles in Pressurized Metered Dose Inhalers with Established and New Propellants. AAPS PharmSciTech, 25, 82, 2024.

Ordoubadi, M., Shepard, K. M., Wang, H., Wang, Z., Pluntze, A. M., Churchman, J. P., Vehring, R.: On the Physical Stability of Leucine-Containing Spray-Dried Powders for Respiratory Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutics, 15, 435, 2023.

Wang, H., Connaughton, P. Lachacz, K., Carrigy, N., Ordoubadi, M., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R.: Inhalable microparticle platform based on a novel shell-forming lipid excipient and its feasibility for respirable delivery of biologics. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 177: 308-322, 2022. Accepted author version. 

Ordoubadi, M., Wang, H., Vehring, R.: Mechanistic Formulation Design of Spray-Dried Powders. KONA Powder and Particle Journal. Advance publication (23 pages), 9 July 2022.

Murphy, B. M., Chen, J. Z., Rolo, M., Eldam, M., Jordan, L., Sivananthan, S. J., Kinsey, R., Guderian, J. A., Pedersen, K., Abhyankar, M., Petri, W. A., Fox, C. B., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R., Martin, A. M.: Intranasal Delivery of a Synthetic Entamoeba Histolytica Vaccine Containing Adjuvant (LecA + GLA-3 M-052 liposomes): In Vitro Characterization. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 626, 122141, 2022.

Wang, H., Ordoubadi, M., Connaughton, P., Lachacz, K., Carrigy, N., Tavernini, S., Martin, A.R., Finlay, W.H., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R.: Spray Dried Rugose Lipid Particle Platform for Respiratory Drug Delivery, Pharmaceutical Research, 39, 805–823, 2022.  Accepted author version.

Gomez, M., Ahmed, M., Das, S., McCollum, J., Mellett, L., Swanson, R., Gupta, A., Carrigy, N.B., Wang, H., Barona, D., Bachchhav, S., Gerhardt, A., Press, C., Archer, M.C., Liang, H., Seydoux, E., Kramer, R.M., Kuehl, P.J., Vehring, R., Khader, S.A., Fox, C.B.  Development and Testing of a Spray-Dried Tuberculosis Vaccine Candidate in a Mouse Model. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12: 799034 (23 pages), 2022.

Seo, S., Ruzycki, C.A., Johnson, B., Wang, H., Vehring, R., Romanyk, D., Finlay, W.H., Martin, A.R.: Size-Specific Filtration Performance of N95 Respirators After Decontamination by Moist Heat. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 35 (1): 41-49, 2022. Accepted author version. (This paper received the 2023 Willi Stahlhofen Award from the International Society of Aerosols in Medicine.)

Bin Karim, S., Ordoubadi, M., Wang, H., Gomez, M., Vehring, R. On the feasibility of spray-dried eudragit-trehalose microparticles for enteric drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 610: 121624, 2021. Accepted author version.

Gomez, M., McCollum, J., Wang, H., Bachchhav, S., Tetreau, I., Gerhardt, A., Press, C., Kramer, R. M., Fox, C. B., Vehring, R.: Evaluation of the Stability of a Spray-dried Tuberculosis Vaccine Candidate Designed for Dry Powder Respiratory Delivery. Vaccine 39 (35): 5025-5036, 2021. Accepted author version.

Ordoubadi, M., Gregson, F. K. A., Wang, H., Carrigy, N. B., Nicholas, M., Gracin, S., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Reid, J. P., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: Trileucine as a Dispersibility Enhancer of Spray-dried Inhalable Microparticles. Journal of Controlled Release 336: 522-536, 2021. Accepted author version.

Wang, Z., Wang, H., Vehring, R.: Leucine enhances the dispersibility of trehalose-containing spray-dried powders on exposure to a high-humidity environmentInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics  601: 120561, 2021.  Accepted author version.

Gomez, M., Archer, M., Barona, D, Wang, H., Ordoubadi, M., Bin Karim, S., Carrigy, N. B., Wang, Z., McCollum, J., Press, C., Gerhardt, A., Fox, C., Kramer, R. M., Vehring, R.: Microparticle encapsulation of a tuberculosis subunit vaccine candidate containing a nanoemulsion adjuvant via spray drying. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 163: 23-37, 2021. Accepted author version.

Wang, Z., Ordoubadi, M., Wang, H., Vehring, R.: Morphology and formation of crystalline leucine microparticles from a co-solvent system using multi-orifice monodisperse spray dryingAerosol Science and Technology 55 (8): 901-919, 2021.  Accepted author version.

Gomez, M., McCollum, J., Wang, H., Ordoubadi, M., Jar, C., Carrigy, N.B., Barona, D., Tetreau, I., Archer, M., Gerhardt, A., Press, C., Fox, C.B., Kramer, R.M., Vehring, R.: Development of a formulation platform for a spray-dried, inhalable tuberculosis vaccine candidateInternational Journal  of Pharmaceutics 593:120121, 2021.  Accepted author version.

Ordoubadi, M., Gregson, F.K.A., Wang, H., Nicholas, M., Gracin, S., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Reid, J.P., Finlay, W.H., Vehring, R.: On the particle formation of leucine in spray drying of inhalable microparticlesInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics 592: 120121, 2021.  Accepted author version

Barona, D., Shamsaddini, A., Aisenstat, M., Thalberg, K., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Dmadzadeh, B., Vehring, R.: Modulated Uniaxial Compression Analysis of Respirable Pharmaceutical PowdersKONA Powder and Particle Journal, 29 August, 2020.

Liang, L., Carrigy, N.B., Kariuki, S., Muturi, P., Onsare, R., Nagel, T., Vehring, R., Connerton, P.L., Connerton, I.E.: Development of a Lyophilization Process for Campylobacter Bacteriophage Storage and TransportMicroorganisms 8(2): 282, 2020.

Carrigy, N. B., Liang, L., Wang, H., Kariuki, S., Nagel, T. E., Connerton, I. F., Vehring, R. Trileucine and Pullulan Improve Anti-Campylobacter Bacteriophage Stability in Engineered Spray-Dried MicroparticlesAnnals of Biomedical Engineering 48: 1169–1180, 2020. 2019. Accepted author version.

Carrigy, N. B., Larsen, S. E., Reese, V., Pecor, T., Harrison, M., Kuehl, P. J., Hatfull, G. F., Sauvageau, D., Baldwin, S. L., Finlay, W. H., Coler, R. N., Vehring, R.: Prophylaxis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv Infection in a Preclinical Mouse Model via Inhalation of Nebulized Bacteriophage D29Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy  63: e00871-19. 2019. Accepted author version.

Carrigy, N. B., Liang, L., Wang, H., Kariuki, S., Nagel, T. E., Connerton, I. F., Vehring, R.: Spray-dried anti-Campylobacter bacteriophage CP30A powder suitable for global distribution without cold chain infrastructureInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics 569(5): 118601, 2019. Accepted manuscript.

Ordoubadi, M., Gregson, F.K.A., Melhem, O., Barona, D., Miles, R.E.H., D’Sa, D., Gracin, S., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Reid, J.P., Finlay, W.H., Vehring, R.: Multi-Solvent Microdroplet Evaporation: Modeling and Measurement of Spray-Drying Kinetics with Inhalable PharmaceuticsPharmaceutical Research 36: 100, 2019. Accepted author version.

Gregson, F. K. A., Ordoubadi, M., Miles, R. E. H., Haddrell, A. E., Barona, D., Lewis, D., Church, T., Vehring, R., Reid, J. P.: Studies of Competing Evaporation Rates of Multiple Volatile Components from a Single Binary-component Aerosol Droplet. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (19): 9709-9719, 2019.

Carrigy, N., Vehring, R.: Engineering Stable Spray Dried Biologic Powder for Inhalation, in Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology, eds. Hickey, A. J., da Rocha, S., Taylor & Francis, 2019, pp. 291 – 326.

Carrigy, N. B., Ordoubadi, M., Liu, Y., Melhem, O., Barona, D., Wang, H., Milburn L., Ruzycki, C. A., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: Amorphous Pullulan Trehalose Microparticle Platform for Respiratory DeliveryInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics 563: 156-168, 2019. Accepted author version.

Ly, A., Carrigy, N.B., Wang, H., Harrison, M., Sauvageau, D., Martin, A.R., Vehring, R., Finlay, W.H.: Atmospheric Spray Freeze Drying of Sugar Solution with Phage D29Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 488 (11 pages) 2019.

Wang, H., Nobes, D. S., Vehring, R.: Particle Surface Roughness Improves Colloidal Stability of Pressurized Pharmaceutical Suspensions. Pharmaceutical Research 36: 43, 2019.

Leung, S. S. Y., Carrigy, N. B., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H., Morales, S., Carter, E. A., Britton, W. J., Kutter, E., Chan, H.-K.: Jet Nebulization of Bacteriophages with Different Tail Morphologies – Structural Effects. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 554: 322-326, 2019.

Wang, H., Tan, P., Barona, D., Li, G., Hoe, S., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Nobes, D. S., Vehring, R.: Characterization of the Suspension Stability of Pharmaceuticals using a Shadowgrapic Imaging Method.  International Journal of Pharmaceutics 548 (1): 128-138, 2018.

Ivey, J.W., Bhambri, P., Church, T.K., Lewis, D.A., Vehring, R.: Experimental Investigations of Particle Formation from Propellant and Solvent Droplets Using a Monodisperse Spray Dryer. Aerosol Science and Technology 52 (6): 702-716, 2018. 

Leung, S.S.Y., Parumasivam, T., Nguyen, Gengenbach, T., Carter, E.A., Carrigy, N.B., Wang, H., Vehring, R., Finlay, W.H., Morales, S., Britton, J., Kutter, E., Chan, H.-K.: Effect of Storage Temperature on the Stability of Spray Dried Bacteriophage Powders. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 127: 213-222, 2018.       

Ruzycki, C., Martin, A., Vehring, R., Finlay, W.: An In Vitro Examination of the Effects of Altitude on Dry Powder Inhaler Performance. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 31 (4): 221-236, 2018.

Vehring, R.: Reflections on Pope Francis’ Critique of Technological and Economic Power Structures in Laudato Si’. Fidelitas: Journal of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (Canada), Summer-Fall 2017, ISSN 1201-284X, Vol. X (2): 99-128, 2017.

Haddrell, A. E., Lewis, D., Church, T., Vehring, R., Murnane, D., Reid, J. P.: Pulmonary Aerosol Delivery and the Importance of Growth Dynamics. Therapeutic Delivery 8 (12): 1051-1061, 2017.

Wang, H., Bhambri, P., Ivey, J., Vehring, R.: Design and Pharmaceutical Applications of a Low Flow Rate Single-Nozzle Impactor. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 533: 14-25, 2017.

Carrigy, N.B.,  Chang, R.Y., Leung, S.S.Y., Harrison, M., Petrova, Z., Pope, W.H., Hatfull, G.F., Britton, W.J., Chan, H.-K., Sauvageau, D., Finlay, W.H., Vehring, R.: Anti-Tuberculosis Bacteriophage D29 delivery with a Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer, Jet Nebulizer, and Soft Mist Inhaler. Pharmaceutical Research  34 (10): 2084-2096, 2017. Accepted author version

Wang, H., Barona, D., Oladepo, S., Williams, L., Hoe, S., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R.: Macro-Raman spectroscopy for bulk composition and homogeneity analysis of multi-component pharmaceutical powders.  Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 141 (2017): 180-191.  

Leung, S. S. Y., Parumasivam, T., Gao, F. G., Carrigy, N. B., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H., Morales, S., Britton, W. J., Kutter, E., Chan, H.-K.: Effects of Storage Conditions on the Stability of Spray Dried, Inhalable Bacteriophage Powders. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 521 (1-2): 141-149, 2017.

Ivey, J.W., Bhambri, P., Church, T.K., Lewis, D.A., Elbayomy, S., McDermott, M.T., Finlay, W.H., Vehring, R.: Humidity affects the morphology of particles emitted from beclomethasone dipropionate pressurized metered dose inhalers. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 520 (1-2): 207-215, 2017. Accepted author version

Ferraz-Albani, L., Baldelli, A., Knapp, C. J., Jäger, W., Vehring, R., Nobes, D. S., Olfert, J. S., Kostiuk, L. W.: Enhanced Evaporation of Micro-Scale Droplets with an Infrared Laser. Journal of Heat Transfer 139 (1): 011503-1 – 011503-8, 2017.

Baldelli, A. Vehring, R.: Control of the Radial Distribution of Chemical Components in Spray Dried Crystalline Microparticles. Aerosol Science and Technology 50 (10): 1130-1142, 2016. 

Baldelli, A., Vehring, R.: Analysis of Cohesion Forces between Monodisperse Microparticles with Rough Surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 506: 179-189, 2016.

Baldelli, A., Power, R., Miles, R., Reid, J. P., Vehring, R.: Effect of Crystallization Kinetics on the Properties of Spray Dried Microparticles. Aerosol Science and Technology 50 (7): 693-704, 2016.

Leung, S. Y., Parumasivam, T., Gao, F. G., Carrigy, N. B., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H., Morales, S., Britton, W. J., Kutter, E., Chan, H.-K.: Production of Inhalation Phage Powders Using Spray Freeze Drying and Spray Drying Techniques for Treatment of Respiratory Infections, Pharmaceutical Research 33 (6): 1486-1496, 2016.

Barbosa, S. F., Takatsuka, T., Tavares, G. D., Araújo, G. L. B., Wang, H., Vehring, R., Löbenberg, R., Bou-Chacra, N. A.: Physical-Chemical Properties of Furosemide Nanocrystals Developed Using Rotation Revolution Mixer. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 21 (7): 812-822, 2016.

Azhdarzadeh, M., Shemirani, F. M., Ruzycki, C. A., Baldelli, A., Ivey, J., Barona, D., Church, T., Lewis, D., Olfert, J. S., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: An Atomizer to Generate Monodisperse Droplets from High Vapor Pressure Liquids. Atomization & Sprays 26 (2): 121-134, 2016.

Baldelli, A., Boraey, M. A., Nobes, D., Vehring, R.: Analysis of the Particle Formation Process of Structured Microparticles. Molecular Pharmaceutics 12 (8): 2562-2573, 2015 (invited).

Wang, H., Williams, L., Hoe, S., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R.: Quantitative Macro-Raman Spectroscopy on Microparticle-based Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms. Applied Spectroscopy 69 (7): 823-833, 2015.

Shemirani, F. M., Church, T. K., Lewis, D. A., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: Onset of Flash Atomization in a Propellant Micro-jet. Journal of Fluids Engineering 137: 091101-1 – 091101-9, 2015.

Ivey, J.W., Vehring, R., Finlay, W.H.: Understanding Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler Performance. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 12 (6): 901-916. 2015.

Azhdarzadeh, M., Olfert, J., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: Effect of Electrostatic Charge on Deposition of Uniformly Charged Monodisperse Particles in the Nasal-extrathoracic Airways of an Infant. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 28 (1): 30-34. 2014.

Morin, C.M.D., Ivey, J.W., Titosky, J.T., Suderman, J.D., Olfert, J.S., Vehring, R., Finlay, W.H.: Performance of Pressurized Metered-Dose Inhalers at Extreme Temperature Conditions.  Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 103 (11): 3553-3559, 2014.

Hoe, S., Boraey, M. A., Ivey, J. W., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: Manufacturing and Device Options for the Delivery of Biotherapeutics.  Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 27 (5): 315-328, 2014.

Titosky, J. T. F., Morin, C. M. D., Suderman, J. D., Olfert, J. S., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: The Effect of Altitude on Inhaler Performance. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 103: 2116-2124, 2014.

Ruzycki, C. A., Golshahi, L., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: Comparison of In Vitro Deposition of Pharmaceutical Aerosols in an Idealized Child Throat with In Vivo Deposition in the Upper Respiratory Tract of Children. Pharmaceutical Research 31 (6): 1525-1535, 2014.

Wang, H., Boraey, M. A., Williams, L., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R.: Low-frequency Shift Dispersive Raman Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Respirable Dosage Forms. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 469: 197-205, 2014.

Borojeni, A.A.T, Noga, M. L., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: Measurements of Total Aerosol Deposition in Intrathoracic Conducting Airway Replicas of Children. Journal of Aerosol Science 73: 39 – 47, 2014.

Azhdarzadeh, M., Olfert, J., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: Effect of Induced Charge on Deposition of Uniformly Charged Particles in a Pediatric Oral-extrathoracic Airway. Aerosol Science and Technology 48 (5): 508 – 514, 2014.

Ivey, J. W., Lewis, D., Church, T., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: A Correlation Equation for the Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter of the Aerosol Emitted by Solution Metered Dose Inhalers. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 465 (1-2): 18-24, 2014. Accepted author version

Hoe, S., Ivey, J. W., Boraey, M. A., Shamsaddini-Shahrbabak, A., Javaheri, E., Matinkhoo, S., Finlay, W. H., Vehring, R.: Use of a Fundamental Approach to Spray-Drying Formulation Design to Facilitate the Development of Multi-Component Dry Powder Aerosols for Respiratory Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutical Research 31: 449-465, 2014.

Azhdarzadeh, M., Olfert, J., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: Effect of Electrostatic Charge on Oral-Extrathoracic Deposition for Uniformly Charged Monodisperse Aerosols. Journal of Aerosol Science 68: 38-45, 2014.

Boraey, M.A., Vehring, R.: Diffusion Controlled Formation of Microparticles.  Journal of Aerosol Science 67: 131-143, 2014.

Hoe, S., Semler, D. D., Goudie, A. D., Lynch, K. H., Matinkhoo, S., Finlay, W. H., Dennis, J. J., Vehring, R.: Respirable Bacteriophages for the Treatment of Bacterial Lung Infections. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 26: 317-335, 2013 (invited review).

Javaheri, E., Shemirani, F. M., Pichelin, M., Katz, I. M, Caillibotte, G., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: Deposition Modeling of Hygroscopic Saline Aerosols in the Human Respiratory Tract: Comparison between Air and Helium-Oxygen as Carrier Gases. Journal of Aerosol Science 64: 81-93, 2013.

Shemirani, F. M., Hoe, S., Lewis, D., Church, T., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: In-vitro Investigation of the Effect of Ambient Humidity on Regional Delivered Dose with Solution and Suspension MDI. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 26: 215-222, 2013.

Golshahi, L., Noga, M., Vehring, R., Finlay, W. H.: An In vitro Study on the Deposition of Micrometer-sized Particles in the Extrathoracic Airways of Adults during Tidal Oral Breathing. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 41: 979-989, 2013. 

Boraey, M. A., Hoe, S., Sharif, H., Miller, D. P., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R.: Improvement of the Dispersibility of Spray-dried Budesonide Powders using Leucine in an Ethanol-water Cosolvent System. Powder Technology 236: 171-178, 2013.

Golshahi, L., Vehring, R., Noga, M., Finlay, W. H.: In Vitro Deposition of Micrometer-sized Particles in the Extrathoracic Airways of Children during Tidal Breathing. Journal of Aerosol Science 57: 14-21, 2013.

Vehring, R., Lechuga-Ballasteros, D., Joshi, V., Noga, B., Dwivedi, S.K.: Cosuspensions of Microcrystals and Engineered Microparticles for Uniform and Efficient Delivery of Respiratory Therapeutics from Pressurized Metered Dose Inhalers. Langmuir 28 (42): 15015-15023, 2012.

Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Joshi, V., Vehring, R., Flynn, B., Ivey, J., Noga, B., Schultz, R., Sommerville, M., Speck, J., Cummings, H., Golden, M., Orevillo, C., Reisner, C., Dwivedi, S.: Phospholipid Microparticle Based Cosuspensions Enable the Consistent Delivery of Potent Drugs Intended for pMDI Combination Therapy.   Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 24 (6): 329, 2011.

Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Vehring, R., Joshi, V., Sommerville, M., Dwivedi, S.: A New Formulation Platform for Metered Dose Inhaler Combination products: Cosuspensions of Engineered Phospholipid Microparticles with Micronized Actives. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 24 (3), A31, 2011.

Lechuga-Ballasteros, D., Noga, B., Vehring, R., Cummings, R.H., Dwivedi, S.K.: Novel Cosuspension Metered-Dose Inhalers for the Combination Therapy of Chronnic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma. Future Medicinal Chemistry 3: 1703-1718, 2011. 

Matinkhoo, S., Lynch, K.H., Dennis, J.J., Finlay, W.H., Vehring, R.: Spray Dried Respirable Powders Containing Bacteriophages for the Treatment of Pulmonary Infections. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 100 (12): 5197-5205, 2011. 

Feng, A.L., Boraey, M.A., Gwin, M.A., Finlay, P.R., Kuehl, P.J., Vehring, R.:Mechanistic models facilitate efficient development of leucine containing microparticles for pulmonary drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 409 (1-2): 156-163, 2011. 

Ivey, J., Vehring, R.: The use of modeling in spray drying of emulsions and suspensions accelerates formulation and process development. Computers & Chemical Engineering 34 (7): 1036-1040, 2010. 

Vehring, R. Expert Review: Pharmaceutical Particle Engineering via Spray Drying. Pharmaceutical Research 25: 999-1022, 2008. Abstract

Lechuga-Ballesteros, D., Charan, C., Stults, C. M., Stevenson, C. L., Miller, D. P., Vehring, R., Tep, V., Kuo, M.-C.: Trileucine Improves Dispersibility, Aerosol Performance and Stability of Spray-Dried Powders for Inhalation. Journal of  Pharmaceutical Sciences 97: 287-302, 2008. 

Vehring, R., Foss, W. R., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D.: Particle Formation in Spray Drying . Journal of Aerosol Science 38: 728-746, 2007.  (#1 Article for J. Aerosol Sci., Jul. to Sept. 2007.)

Vehring, R.: Red-Excitation Dispersive Raman Spectroscopy is a Suitable Technique for Solid State Analysis of Respirable Pharmaceutical Powders. Applied Spectroscopy 59: 286-292, 2005.

Chan, H.-K., Clark, A. R., Feeley, J. C., Kuo, M.-C., Lehrman, S. R., Pikal-Cleland, K., Miller, D. P., Vehring, R., Lechuga-Ballesteros, D.: Physical Stability of Salmon Calcitonin Spray-Dried Powders for Inhalation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 93: 792-804, 2004. Abstract

Vehring, R: Linear Raman Spectroscopy on Aqueous Aerosols: Influence of Nonlinear Effects on Detection Limits. Journal of Aerosol  Science 29 (1-2): 65-79, 1998. Abstract

Vehring, R., Aardahl, C. L., Schweiger, G., and Davis, E. J.: The Characterization of Fine Particles Originating from an Uncharged Aerosol: Size Dependence and Detection Limits for Raman Analysis. Journal of Aerosol Science 29 (1-2): 1045-1061, 1998. Abstract

Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Dispersive Raman Spectroscopy on Soot Particles. Journal of Aerosol Science 29: S1251-S1252, 1998. 

Xu, B., Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Identification of the Crystalline Phase of Single Levitated Microparticles. Journal of Aerosol Science 29: S865-S866, 1998. 

Vehring, R., Aardahl, C.L., Davis, E.J., Schweiger, G., Covert D.S.: Electrodynamic Trapping and Manipulation of Particle Clouds. Review of Scientific Instruments 68: 70-78, 1997. Abstract

Aardahl, C. L., Vehring, R., Davis, E. J., Schweiger, G., Swanson, B. D.: Trapping Two-Particle Arrays in a Double-Ring Electrodynamic Balance. Journal of Aerosol Science 28 (8): 1491-1505, 1997. Abstract

Aardahl, C. L., Vehring, R., Weber, R., Schweiger, G., Davis, E. J., and Wiedensohler, A.: Electrodynamic Trapping of Aerocolloidal Particles: Experimental and Theoretical Trapping Limits. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 192 (1): 228-237, 1997. Abstract

Vehring, R., Xu, B., Schweiger, G.: Improved Detection Limits of Linear Raman Spectroscopy on Aerosols. Journal of Aerosol Science 27: S293-S294, 1996. 

Borchers, M. A., Esen, C., Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Analysis of Coated Microparticles by Raman Confocal Microprobing. Journal of Aerosol Science 27: S543-S544, 1996. 

Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Raman Thermometry of Aqueous Multicomponent Aerosol Particles. Journal of Aerosol Science 27: S323-S324, 1996. 

Moritz, H., Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Investigation of the Desorption of Acetylene from Acetone Microdroplets by Raman Spectroscopy. Journal of Aerosol Science 27: S517-S518,1996.

Vehring, R., Moritz, H., Niekamp, D., Heinrich, P., and Schweiger, G.: Linear Raman Spectroscopy on Droplet Chains: A New Experimental Method for the Analysis of Fast Transport Processes and Reactions on Microparticles. Applied Spectroscopy 49: 1215-1224, 1995. Paper.

Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Threshold of Stimulated Raman Scattering in Microdroplets. Journal of Aerosol Science 26: S235-S236, 1995. 

Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Optical Determination of the Temperature of Transparent Microparticles. Applied Spectroscopy 46: 25-27, 1992. Abstract

Vehring, R., Schweiger, G.: Raman Scattering on Liquid Aerosol Particles: Concentration Measurements on Droplet Chains. Journal of Aerosol Science 22: S399-S402, 1991. Abstract